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当サイトは、お客様の個人情報について、お客様の承諾が無い限り第三者に開示、提供を一切いたしません。お客様から個人 情報をご提供していただき、お客様へのサービスにご利用させていただく場合があります。その目的以外には利用いたしません。そして、ご提供いただいた個人 情報を取り扱うにあたり管理責任者を置き、適切な管理を行っております。
GN | CM | DR | GI | AS | FN | GE |
General | Coreless brushless DC motor | Driver | Gear-in motor | AC servo motor | IC FAN | Power generator |
No. | Classification | Technical terms | Definition |
1 | CM | (Continuous) Rated voltage | The input voltage which can satisfy the condition specified by the specification in continuous operation. |
2 | CM | (Continuous) Rated output | The maximum output that can be safely and continuously used under the conditions specified in the specification. |
3 | CM | (Continuous) rated torque | Torque when the rated output is continuously emitted at the rated voltage. |
4 | CM | (Continuous) rated RPM | The rotational speed at which the motor is continuously rated, at the rated voltage. |
5 | CM | (Continuous) rated current | The current when the motor is continuously rated and the rated torque is generated. |
6 | CM | Maximum efficiency | The maximum value of the power consumed by the motor and the ratio of the mechanical output exerted. |
7 | CM | No load rotational speed | Stable revolutions when the rated voltage is added when the load is zero. |
8 | CM | No load current | Even if the external load is zero, there is bearing friction and load by wind loss. So, constant torque is still required to turn at a constant rotational speed, that is the current necessary for that. |
9 | CM | Torque parameter | Since the generated torque is approximately proportional to the current, the Torque ÷ current (Nm/A) is a constant, and this constant is called the torque parameter. |
10 | CM | Reverse Voltage parameter | The Reverse voltage of the motor is proportional to the rotational speed of the motor, and the proportional coefficient to the reverse electromotive voltage parameter. e = Ke x ω (e: Inverse voltage, ω: angular velocity, Ke reverse voltage parameter. ) |
11 | CM | Resistance between terminals | Resistance values measured between coil terminals |
12 | CM | Rotor Inertia | The moment of inertia of the rotor, the higher the value is less responsive |
13 |
CM | Cogging torque | The suction force torque caused by the magnetic suction force generated when the rotor is rotated in a non-excited state |
14 | CM | Terminal inductance | Inductance measured between coil terminals |
15 | CM | Mechanical time parameter | Indicates the rise time of the motor startup and the time to reach 63.2% of the rated RPM |
16 | CM | Electrical time parameter | When the motor is fixed so as not to rotate, the time until the current reaches the 63.2% of the saturation current after applying the rated voltage |
17 | CM | Motor weight | Average weight of standard type motors |
18 | CM | Maximum temperature of the coil | The maximum temperature allowed in the coil and the temperature that cannot be exceeded even when the customer uses it |
19 | CM | Insulation grade | It is classified by the heat resistance of the insulating material which is composed, and the E species is 120 ℃. This does not mean that it can operate in 120 ℃ environments, and is expected to be 120 ℃ or less, including temperature rise due to heat generation |
ICファンカタログ CLM-v1.3をアップロードしました。
弊社は、2017年2月22日に、前身の株式会社エムリンク、ICファンV-TECHの事業を継承、発展する目的で設立されました。 |
経営理念 | コアレスモータを通じ、社会に貢献する。 コアレスモータの限界に挑戦する。 |
経営方針 | コアレス構造の特徴(軽量・コギングレス・高速回転)を生かした製品を開発・製造し、顧客へ世の中に無かったソリューションを提供する。 コアレス技術の可能性を広げ、環境・自然エネルギー・医療・産業技術分野の発展に貢献する。 |
製品とサービス | ・リニアモータ/サーボアンプ ・ブラシレスDCモータ/モータドライバ ・ACサーボモータ ・小型発電機 ・ギヤードモータ ・ギヤード発電機 |
強み | 弊社はコアレスモータのスペシャリストであり、 発案能力に優れた人材が多数在籍しております。 これからも新しい製品開発を進めていくことにより、 コアレスモータの可能性を最大限に広げることができます。 知恵と行動力を生かしたバイタリティーのある社員が多数在籍しております。 |
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This site will not disclose or provide any personal information of the customer to a third party unless the customer's consent is given. We may provide personal information from our customers and use it for service to our customers. We will not use it for other purposes. In order to handle the personal information you have provided, we will place the manager in charge and manage it appropriately.